Our container cleaning service is specially designed for SDDR (deposit and return system) firms.
This is a service exclusively for the food industry, with all the monitoring and safety guarantees required by regulations.
Food safety
- Optimum food hygiene and safety conditions
- Option of carrying out a range of tests and analyses: ATP, pH, electrical conductivity, cloudiness, etc.
- Option of disinfecting
- Environmental tests on the lorry wash
- Steam generation using food-safe water
- Official authorisation to seal the tank and fittings
- Visual and olfactory inspections
- Cleaning according to the specified protocol
- Strict cleaning for loading chocolate
- HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points)
- Regular water analyses
- Drying with hot air filtered to 0.60 micron
- Pump or fittings dried with compressed air
Technical features
- Capacity of 24,000 m3 per hour
- Hot water at 85ºC
- High pressure up to 200 bar
- Option of reception and storage
- “Just in time” wash
- Waste collection system